About Arturo Sanchez
Thank you for taking the time to learn about me. I was born and raised in Houston, earned my Master of Public Service and Administration from The Bush School at Texas A&M University and Bachelor of Business Administration from Texas A&M International University in Laredo.
Professionally, I am the Director of the External Relations Office at NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC). I am responsible for leading, integrating, and amplifying the work of a team of civil servants and contractors in the areas of employee communications, digital media, public affairs, public engagement, STEM engagement, legislative affairs, exhibits, and university collaboration.
I began my career at JSC as a graduate Co-Op (Pathways) intern in 2000, and after graduation held positions in various offices, including education, diversity and equal opportunity, community and government relations, and communications and outreach. I worked at Texas Instruments (TI) from 2006 – 2012, as director of Education and Workforce Development. I led TI’s corporate K-12 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education programs and investments, as well as managed regional strategic university investments and relationships. I returned to JSC in 2012, serving as Manager for Higher Education and Student Programs until March 2014, and was the Integration Manager to the International Space Station Program through March 2018. I served as the Deputy Director of the External Relations Office until February 2020, before being selected for my current role.
I was elected to serve on the Clear Creek Independent School District Board of Trustees in May 2017. I served as board Secretary from June 2019 to May 2021, and have served as board vice president since May 2021. As a trustee I have served on the District Policy Committee, Legislative and External Committee, Clear Creek Education Foundation, the Finance Committee, and the Safe and Secure Schools Committee.
My wife Jayme and I have two children, Arturo IV and Danielle – both are students in Clear Creek ISD schools.
My service as a Trustee, as well as my professional career experience at NASA and Texas Instruments have prepared me to continue serving as your CCISD trustee.